Friday, December 31, 2010

New citizenship items - January

Hallo :D
January citizenship items have arrived! :D
This month we have....

Do you like it :D

Thursday, December 30, 2010

party rox :D

Hallo :D

party with royal and i was cool 

ty royal :D
i hope we get another one :D

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to get your chat back when chobot is in safe mode?(Tutorial)

Heya guys!
Chobots is getting in safe mode very often.Heres a way to get your chat back!:

First you need to have other account that is your parent account
Like I have Akasutra(My friend)

Open The parent account and click on Family
Follow these steps now :

Now Click on your main account that is for me editme and you will have something like this
 When chobots is in safe mode


Now change the setting of main account to  something like this shown in the picture-


And simply close the window!
You've got your account to full chat!
But everytime you log off and and againt log on and chobots is in safe mode then You have to do this procces again!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Updates_Christmas Park!

Hey everyone :D

It's xmas eve today!
1st : chobots changed the park today! look it.
Do you like it :D

2nd : we have new clothes in the shop 
Do you like them ?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Checkers Contest :D

Hello guys!

Do you guys like playing checkers?
We're starting a checkers contest!

Winners receive a special Christmas prize! 
 the contest ends on Christmas :D
 Don't cheat!
Good luck!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

party :D

Hello guys

We have a cool party 

Thx sap 

do you like it 

party :D

Hello guys

We have a cool party 

Thx sap 

do you like it 

Winter Styles party :D

Hello guys :D

1st sory for not posting cuz i have school

And with the news
we have a cool party with hiki
and the bast style :

nice style ,keep it up

party with sap :D

Hello guys

we have cool party wit sap :D

thx sap :D
cool party :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Updates

Hello chobots :-)

hiki added some new items to the catalog !

do you like it ?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

So can I rain?

Hey guys!
Today i found this awesome glitch!

If you take a pic of it its like you are raining!
Belive me The pics down are not edited!
Swear to GOD!
It can be easily performed!
Here 's the pics

lots of hearts!

Whats your reaction
I"m not a mod and not use anything!
Um.. its a glitch and one of my best friend knows it
But DOnt you ask him the secret!
PS: ( I cant rain at any time this is just an glitch)

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

2 house shirt items :)

hey guys!
i just win in contest :-)
in top chobots!
and i get shirt house red

this is my enter :

click here if you want to see it 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Style Party and new clothes

we have a party :-)
and the party was so cool

and in  the shop new clothes 

Citizen items: awesome shining crown ;) cute cat-hoodie for girls, green eye suit and a snowman backpack :)

and that cool shirt for non citizen :-)
do you like it

Friday Style Party

Hello chobots !

What about putting on some cool clothes and make a party?
And we will have some new clothes :-)

ets party!
 Time - 15:00 Cho time.
Party Place - Shop!
See you there :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Farm Mission Contest

Hello guys!

Time for another competition :)
It's short so you won't have time to cheat xD

Go say "Hi" to daisy!
You have time till Friday! Have fun :D

Saturday, December 4, 2010

im sorry

Hey guyz im reallly sorry I was not posting these days :(

But now im back :)  Now ill be posting every day YAY! 
see you in next post :P 
